LEAP Bridge Concrete Help

Graphical Options Menu

Last updated: May 04, 2022

Program Preferences Dialog

This menu contain options that invoke the dialog for setting graphics options. These options include color settings for various bridge elements, options to show or hide the axes, and the degree of transparency used in transparent views and the rendering accuracy of the 3D model. The Use cylinder shape option will show better representation in 3D for any reinforcement, but may slow performance due to increased computational requirements.

An alternate 3D viewer based on OpenGL technology can be set as the primary viewer for all 3D representations by checking the option on this dialog. This viewer allows wire frame representation, gradient background fill, isometric and orthotropic views in addition to functionality available with the basic viewer. If the OpenGL 3D Viewer option is selected, you can turn on the Show Compass option and the compass will appear in the 3D views in the Geometry tab showing the alignment orientation.

ABC Data Sets Menu

It’s possible to save current data defined in the ABC Wizard and re-use the data in a new file. This allows you to effectively rebuild the same basic models, and make variations in the components very quickly to study multiple ‘what if’ scenarios and develop alternative bridge models etc.

ABC Data Sets Menu